Monday, January 01, 2007

my resolution

happy new year, everyone! it's truly one of my favorite holidays. a lot of champagne and kissing followed by a day devoted to hopeful thinking and lazing about. who doesn't like that? so far i'm kicking off 2007 by sitting in bed watching movies and reading, which is GREAT. but it's time to get busy with my resolution: more and better blogging. get ready for a bunch of pictures.

christmas was in north carolina. i made sure to get my sonic fix. message ingrid left when i didn't answer the phone: "oh you are knee-deep in sonic right now. i know it. you're cheeks are packed full and one is bigger than the other. i wish i was there." she was right.

mary and i had white russians. yum.

maggie: still fat and annoying. but a little bit cute.

mom and dad hard at work on the traditional christmas puzzle.

a visit to grandma and grandpa griff in chapel hill. we gave them our old dog, sadie, several years ago. she loves living at carol woods.

christmas dinner at our grandparents' dining hall is actually pretty decent. lobster tails, filet, mashed potatoes...

before i left i spent some quality time with my roommate catching up on season 2 of lost and stuffing our face with mexican food. something was cracking us up, a burp or something? i don't remember, but it must have been HILARIOUS. i was shaking with laughter when i took this one.

a less sunny time of my life: exams. one night i was studying and there was so much yelling and whooping in the street, which is usually pretty quiet (yeah, astoria!). it was 9 or so on a sunday night, but it sounded exactly like a field trip was going on out there. sure enough, i went to the window and there were a bunch of kids loading onto a bus. ?

beverly, ma has nancy st. laurent, but astoria has jose 2000, home of the best fade.

on the left we have the "magic chef". worst oven ever. one day, after many weeks of false promises i found a strange box outside of our door... the new oven! there she is, on the right. what a beaut. my biscuits come out just right!

the first day after finals i had such a great day. the perfect weather made it even better. i started the day out with a morning movie, the science of sleep. then i walked around soho and had a celebrity sighting. some new yorkers find nothing awesome about seeing famous people, but they're crazy. it's always fun. i went and saw a weird installation, a loft filled with dirt. i expected more of an earthy smell, but it just smelled like a gross basement. BO-ring. i shopped. i went to see john currin's new show at gagosian and it was amazing. provocative and american. then i went to andres's office party, which was so fun. i later found out i had flirted with the former chairman of viacom. best first day of vacation ever. oh yeah, and i passed this weird little dog park where there were a ton of dogs playing. it was hard to take a good picture because they were running everywhere!

that's all the news i can post today until i figure out how to flip vertical photos properly.


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