Sunday, November 19, 2006

good night, sleep tight, don't let the...what the...?

Everyone's abuzz about NYC's bedbug problem. Turns out my place was infested (see disgusting welt to your left). Now, I don't want to jump the gun, but it looks like we may have these things beat. I'll feel sure of it in another couple of weeks, but it's hard to contain the excitement of the prospect of a life without parasites. Wish us luck!


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Michelle D said...

Girlfriend, I feel for you. I have a few tendencies not unalike Howard Hughs that I have to reign in. These were not kind to me when I discovered a few tiny bugs in our house and thought they were bed bugs. Turns out they were springtails - completely harmless, live in topsoil and now they are gone with the cold weather. All this to say, I read up extensively on bed bugs and it looked like you could exterminate them yourself naturally. Hope you can get rid of them!

At 8:22 AM, Blogger beth said...

We've gone almost 2 weeks without getting bit, which is HUGE. It looks like we'll be able to stay in the apartment. Last week I was calling brokers! It's so awesome to think about living a normal life! I'm about to put my clothes in a dresser - no more plastic bags!!!

At 7:45 AM, Blogger Michelle D said...

what a relief!


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